The focused issues are significant in intensity as vulnerable and at-risk social groups continue to face hate speech both physically and online, and incidents of gender-based violence are reported routinely in the press and social media. Likewise, encroachments on basic freedoms add to the challenges that prevent social inclusion.
Violations of freedom of faith is a significant problem, notwithstanding the constitutional guarantees for freedom of faith.
Violations of freedom of expression is a significant problem, notwithstanding the constitutional guarantees for freedom of faith.
Gender-based violence is a significant problem with women a persistent target of violence, abuse, and trolling.
Hate speech is manifested in many ways both physically and in the cyberspace. Common manifestations include:
People’s religious faiths are targeted or insulted verbally or in written form
Venerated religious figures are Insulted or disparaged.
People are incited to violence.
We have provided you witht a user freindly enviroment for reporting an incident of hate..
Laws both promote and prevent social inclusion and harmony in Pakistan
Every citizen is an equal member of the state regardless of his/her religious beliefs or backgrounds
Every citizen is an equal member of the state regardless of his/her religious beliefs or backgrounds
Every citizen is an equal member of the state regardless of his/her religious beliefs or backgrounds
Every citizen is an equal member of the state regardless of his/her religious beliefs or backgrounds
A non-Muslim cannot hold the offices of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.
A non-Muslim cannot hold the offices of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.
A non-Muslim cannot hold the offices of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.
A non-Muslim cannot hold the offices of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.